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Call Tracking

Call Tracking To Monitor Your Marketing ROI

Discover how marketing companies are performing for a better analysis
of where your money is better spent.

Call Tracking And Analytics Strategies

Monitor the progress of multiple marketing campaigns with our powerful Call Tracking service. You can rent as many local or toll-free numbers as you need – then, match the phone numbers to campaigns and analyze the results so you can make smarter, more effective marketing actions. Use our call tracking numbers in your Google Analytics account for a 360 degree view of your PPC campaigns.

Call Tracking Campaign

Toll Free Numbers | Local Numbers | Call Analytics | Free Call Recording | Conversion Optimization

Toll Free and Local Numbers Available

Rent unique toll free/local numbers for every PPC campaign, radio ad, billboard, or any other medium. Rentals are month to month until cancelled and quantity can be scaled up or down as you desire.

Call Analytics

Discover how your advertisements are performing through analysis of your call metrics. Use this information as a precursor for making adjustments or removing campaigns that are not performing.

Free Call Recording

Record all your campaigns for quality assurance and management of situation where multiple agents are handling calls. Fix problems that could be occurring from reps that are not properly handling calls.

Conversion Optimization

Optionally end calls with a silent DTMF and enter a post call IVR. Follow prompts to assign values for Conversion and ROI tracking. Use this powerful information to find the true value of your marketing campaigns.